Upon watching a video from the vlog Minnesota Stories called "MN State Fair - Food on a Stick," I gained a new appreciation for the iron stomachs of Midwesterners. The montage of assorted food that had been deep fat -fried, sauteed, chopped up, and then skewered was both enlightening and nauseating. Although the camera work was less than stellar, the editing a bit choppy, and the sound filled with background noise, the five-plus minutes of Minnesota gourmet definitely caught my attention with its wide range of participants. This video included both adults and children, a multitude of races, and people from various walks of life. The one thing they all had in common was their willingness to smile into a camera while stuffing their faces with something on a stick. The video is aimed at the local Minnesotans who take such pride in their great "get-together." It is a chance for the state to brag a little as the viewer taps his are her foot along to the polka music and mentally checks off all the foods that he and she has also eaten. If the viewer senses a little heart-burn when the video ends, he or she will merely remember the taste of deep fat-fried Twinkies and say, "It was so worth it." For those who have not had the pleasure of such rare treats, they may be thinking about the overall low quality of the video. It is often difficult to hear the participants name their chosen item over the garbled chatter of the crowds and the enthusiastic polka in the background. The clips are brief and squeezed together without any transitions, but this at least keeps the pace moving briskly. The lighting and focus show that it was an amateur doing the filming, but it also makes it feel homey and personal. The video, one small part of a collection of videos about Minnesotans, serves its brief purpose of highlighting the Minnesota State Fair. Now please excuse me as I get a Tums.